Sunday, January 30, 2011

Taco Bell is the Least of Our Worries....

I've been following this whole lawsuit story involving Taco Bell.  For those of you who aren't in the know, some firm has brought suit against the fast food chain because they allege that the beef content is less than the USDA allowable amount.  According to USDA standards, a meat product has to be 40% beef in order to be called that.


Just 40%?  Does this strike anyone else as gross?  I mean, is there something wrong with wanting my beef to be 100% cow?  My apologies to all my vegetarian & vegan friends.....but I like my meat.
Beef, it's what's for dinner!  But you only need 40%?  Gross....

I started thinking about this topic; and I began to wonder what would happen if we let our standards slip on other things like this.  What if we only worked 40% of the week?  That means you only have to go to work Monday & Tuesday.  Hey, if 40% is acceptable by government standards, then the possibilities are endless.  If we were only required to go to 40% of college then after 1.5 years, you're done.  Howabout if I only pay 40% of my taxes?

....well, nevermind on that last one.  I don't know who's reading this and I don't feel like being Wesley Snipes' cellmate.

So, supposedly, Taco Bell food is even lower that the "standard".  Granted, their brand of fast food rarely enters into my diet; and I have largely deemed it "desperation food".  Indeed, Taco Bell ranks right up there with Waffle House after an all-nighter with your college buds.  Those days are long past for me.....and nothing beats the aftertaste of a Mexican Pizza and Natural Light on the morning after.

When I was a kid, 40% on a test meant "hang your head in shame". Did I miss the memo when this changed?
Anyway, 40% beef.  Eww.  Really, USDA? Is something closer to 100% too much to ask?  This makes me want to move down the street from Ted Nugent and invite myself over for dinner every night.  Taco Bell is being asked to change their ingredient name to "meat filling" because evidently 40% beef is something to be proud of.

If I recall, 40% on a test when I was in school means "you failed miserably".  I think Taco Bell ain't the only ones that missed a passing grade here.

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