I like quiche. It sounds like it's expensive to make. When you mention it, it sounds like you know what you're doing in the kitchen. It's also kinda fun to make if you want a high-volume breakfast (for feeding a lot of folks) and you don't want to spend all morning over the stove. Keep in mind, I am on a working-man's budget and I really don't have a lot of money to spend on making something expensive; so what you have here is something that anyone (and I mean anyone, guys...this means you) can make.
Want to impress the wife or girlfriend for breakfast? Pay attention.
Here's what you'll need: eggs (I used 5 to feed 3), onion, steamable veggies (green giant brand costs like $1 apiece), shredded cheese and BACON (don't judge me). |
Use a minimal amount of garlic salt. Also, no self-respecting cook from Louisiana makes anything without Tony's. Heck, I even put it in my pastries...... |
The neat thing about onions is that they take on a different flavor when sauteed. If you're feeling adventurous, sautee them using the bacon grease (this is for taste folks....I didn't say anything about healthy eating. If you want that go follow a health-food blog). |
Milk. It makes things "fluff". I'm comfortable enough in my manhood to say the word fluff. You'll need it for a good quiche because the fluff extends your eggs..... |
This is what the Green Giant veggies look like after steaming. This time around, I used the kind with green beans, green onions and red potatoes. There's plenty to choose from at the supermarket, and remember, they're cheap. |
Unless you actually like spending an hour scrubbing the bottom of your glass cookware, be sure to coat it with this first. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees (otherwise it'll cook too fast and not rise the way it's supposed to) |
This is what everything looks like mixed together. Use the Tony's & garlic salt to taste. Remember not to use too much if you put bacon in yours like I did because the sodium in the bacon will flavor it as well. A salty quiche is nasty. |
Ready to bake! A layer of cheese goes on top. Use whatever cheese you like. I think I used Colby & Monterrey Jack this time. |
Give it about 20 minutes....sit down with your coffee and watch a bad movie. I think I was watching Simon Sez (with Dennis Rodman in it). You can't get much worse..... |
So you don't get too caught up in the snobbery that is quiche, round it out with a "mess of grits". Is that a whole stick of butter in there?! Don't judge....I'm from the south..... |
Risen, fluffy, and guaranteed to draw a crowd of hungry breakfast eaters. |
Here's a little cross-section, served with a modest portion of grits on one of those dainty little plates you see chefs use on TV. You may choose to garnish with some parsley flakes. Be sure to drink your coffee with your pinky up to add to the atmosphere of your expensive meal. |
Keep in mind folks, you can do all kinds of variations of a breakfast quiche; and I find the vegetarian version is particularly popular. It also saves well, so what you don't use, you can cut up, put into Tupperware and eat on the next day.
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